The Magic of Reiki Healing with Paula Yeadon-Smith
Vivalicious Food @ 2023-08-31 09:56:46 +0200
Paula's words:
I’m Paula Yeadon-Smith, the founder of Halo Reiki Healing.
My journey of healing, self-acceptance and self-love began when I moved to Manchester as a young professional a decade ago. At the time I was experiencing heartbreak and severe work-induced anxiety and finding it difficult to cope with the pressures of daily life.
An avid dancer throughout my teens, I started yoga and soon developed a consistent practice. I found yoga to be a powerful means of bringing balance to my mind and body and of connecting inwardly, and so trained as a yoga teacher in 2018.
After years practicing yoga, I started to do more inner work, exploring and deepening my spirituality, and felt called to explore holistic therapies.
In 2020, amidst the uncertainty of the pandemic and the loss of my corporate job in marketing, I discovered the magic of Reiki - an energy healing modality. This set me on a path of profound soul searching and spiritual awakening.
My family, in particular my mum who is a holistic practitioner herself, raised me on spiritual beliefs. This has kept me grounded and instilled a deep trust in the universe from a young age. I also lived in Asia for much of my childhood and so it’s no surprise that this method of energy healing which originates from Japan came very naturally to me.